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monetary aggregate中文是什么意思

用"monetary aggregate"造句"monetary aggregate"怎么读"monetary aggregate" in a sentence


  • 货币流通额
  • 货币总额
  • 货币总体数字;货币流通总额


  • They agreed that the definition of monetary aggregates should be reviewed
  • Information content of monetary aggregates : an application of the p - star model
    货币供应总体数字的资料内容: p - star模型的应用
  • Information content of monetary aggregates : an application of the p - star model
    货币供应总体数字的资料内容: p - star模型的应用
  • The annual growth in broad monetary aggregates continued to outpace that of nominal gdp
  • 8 . all monetary aggregates rose in december , following a contraction in october and november
  • Hereto , it ’ s just valid in our country that monetary aggregates function as intermediate targets at present
  • Note : among the various monetary aggregates , seasonal patterns are found in hong kong dollar m1 , currency held by the public , and demand deposits
  • This is against the background that the previous practice of excluding short - term placements has introduced minor statistical distortions to the monetary aggregates
  • Members noted that the current practice of excluding short - term exchange fund placements from the money supply statistics , adopted since 1979 , introduced some minor statistical distortions to the monetary aggregates
    8 .委员会成员获悉,目前货币供应统计数据不计入外汇基金短期存款的做法,自
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"monetary aggregate"造句  
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